Academic Programs and Research

interdisciplinary programs in quantum information

We offer quantum computing courses at university level and co-supervision of postgraduate research students. In addition, we offer hands-on quantum programming & cybersecurity courses for beginners as well as IT professionals.

 Quantum money

Quantum money is a form of proposed virtual currency that uses quantum cryptographic protocol to create and validate banknotes that are impossible to forge. This project aims to implement a proof-of-concept online quantum banking system for creating, issuing and verifying quantum banknotes as well as to explore possible transaction challenges.

Requirements: a standard computer installed with Python programming language and Internet connection for accessing IBM’s quantum computing cloud.

 Secure data transfer over quantum internet using superdense coding

Superdense coding is a method of quantum communication in which two classical bits of information are transmitted using one quantum bit, known as a qubit. This project aims to implement a proof-of-concept and to test superdense coding as a basis for fast and secure data transfer for a future quantum internet.

Requirements: a standard computer installed with Python programming language and Internet connection for accessing IBM’s quantum computing cloud.

 Quantum random number generator for quantum-safe cryptography

By the end of the 2020's decade, quantum computers will be able to break most of classical cryptography. There is an ongoing effort to develop a new quantum-resistant cryptography that will be resilient to both classical and quantum computers’ cybersecurity threats. At the core of such cryptographic systems are random number generators.

This project aims to implement and perform comparative analysis of classical and quantum algorithms for random number generators for use in quantum-resistant cryptography. Hardware/software: a standard computer with Internet access and Python language installed. The internet connection is needed to access IBM’s quantum computing cloud.

 Quantum teleportation protocol for a quantum Internet

With the advent of quantum computers a new communication network, the Quantum Internet, has become a possibility. Quantum Internet promises new capabilities impossible to achieve by current technology. One of the challenges facing a quantum Internet is long-distance transmission of quantum information.

This project aims to implement a proof-of-concept and to test quantum teleportation as a possible solution to this problem. Hardware/software: a standard computer with Internet access and Python language installed. The internet connection is needed to access IBM’s quantum computing cloud.